
Frontend Development

Forms in Angular (Part-1)
Forms are one of the most crucial part of any web application. A form can be as simple as taking only one text input from the user and process the user [...]
Dependency Injection in Angular 11, an Overview – Part 1
In Angular project it is often required for parts of the App to communicate with the other modules in the App. In such cases we simply import the external [...]
Pure CSS Slider — Using Scroll Snap
What is “Scroll Snap”? Scroll Snap is pretty much what it sounds like — snapping or locking in to a certain position while scrolling. So, when scrolling [...]
Angular Observables
Surely there are hundreds of articles available online on the angular Observables. A lot of among them would focus on the theoritical aspects of it. But, [...]
Center DIV elements along X and Y axes
Sometimes when you get at a design mockup of a website or some mobile application, you might find an element centered horizontally and vertically relative [...]
Neumorphism in UI — The next big thing in 2020?
What is Neumorphism? Neumorphism is a portmanteau that combines the words new and skeuomorphism. The term was coined by Michal Malewicz late last year. [...]
Sticky Side Tab
Sticky side tabs are a quick and easy way to conveniently access certain parts of your website. These tabs can be set to be available throughout your [...]
var, let and const
ES6, I would say, has revolutionized the year old variable concepts of Javascript by introducing the new let and const keywords. And no [...]
Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable. The Reason behind the error and the way to resolve it.
Few days back I was trying to write a script in my Visual Studio Code IDE, where I was trying to declare and initialize a variable with the keyword let. [...]
jQuery Scroll To Top Function Snippet
This tutorial demonstrates how to implement a simple scroll to top function with transition effect using jQuery. Step 1: Simple HTML Page For the purpose [...]